Here are the games avaliable: Most of the games are backed up here If the games on geocities are down please try the k-turn account. To access the games please log in using the following user name and password USER NAME: kcguser PASSWORD: kevsclassicgames click on "other users" at the top right hand side and enter kevsclassicgames as the shared home folder and the games are in the kcg folder Action: Adventure: CRUISE FOR A CORPSE
Review coming soon
CODENAME: ICEMAN Downloads:- Here In this game you play the role of Lieutenant Commander John B. Westland of the U.S Navy.He is on holiday when suddenly A crisis breaks out in the East which increases the tension between Russia and the U.S.A. (whats new?)Of course he's the only man who can deal with this situation so he is assigned a sabotage mission codenamed: Iceman. The graphics in the game are created like many of the other sierra games of this time (e.g Police Quest, Space Quest and the King Quest series of the time. You'd think they would of created a new engine by now wouldn't you!). Although the graphics are the same, sierra must of got a brainwave and decided to change the commands used for example the "Look" command now only gives a description of thing/person you're facing instead of whats in the room. In my opinion this game must be one of sierras worst adventure games because, the games script writter must of had some kind of writters block becasue the story line in this game is crap. So if you want to play every computer game sierra has every made or your a die-hard spy fan download this game now, and if not there are plenty of other games out there.
THE ADVENTURES OF ROBIN HOOD Downloads:- Here Home Of The Underdogs  

The Adventures Of Robin Hood was developed by ICS and published by Millenium in 1992. As you might of guessed this game is based on the legendary Robin Of Locksley (better known as Robin Hood). If for some strange reason you have never heard of robin hood he was on outlaw who fought for against prince john who took over england when king Richard the lion heart was captured in the holylands.Have you ever heard about that there was a guy who robbed from the rich and gave to the poor Well that was Robin Hood.Anyway thats not important in this game because you have just been kicked out of your castle by the evil sheriff of nottingham, and your friends have turned against you. Your job in this game is to get your castle back by killing the sheriff of nottingham and maybe getting the girl on the way. To do this you will need to make friend's who'll fight along side you as your merry men.Along the way you will recive items that will help you defeat the sheriff of nottingham. This game has alot of interesting thing's to do and is easy to get the hang of because it's controled by the button menu at the side of the screen you also know how liked you are by looking at the hero bar at the side that will change with every deed you do..
THE HOBBIT Downloads:- Here One of the first computer games based on J.R.R.Tolkien's works. It is based, appropriately enough, on his first Middle Earth novel The Hobbit. The game follows the book's plot very closely, as you guide Frodo's ancestor Bilbo(who makes a brief apperence in Lord Of The Rings:The fellowship of the rings) the hapless Hobbit and his band of clueless friends into their first adventure. I remember sitting in front of the ol' C64, playing this game for hours upon hours (it's quite addictive)trying to complete this game and i only ever got about halfway, but can you blame me i was only a few years old!!!.
Arcade: BLOCK BREAKER Download:- Here Well this is just a remake of the hit arcade game arkanoid.All you have is to smash all the bricks and keep that little ball on the screen. This game will keep you amused for a while when you are waiting for your downloads to complete.
Roleplay: CAPONE
Review coming soon
Simulation: ALTER EGO:FEMALE Download:- Here Alter Ego: Female is also a very unique game. It is almost the exact same game as Alter Ego: Male, except you are, of course, the opposite sex. You are a female, and you must choose options that affect your life, such as should I go into that strange mans car, should I tell on my friend for stealing makeup, and should I be good for the babysitter etc... All of these affect the way your character turns out. She can get married, or become and old maid, she can have kids, or choose not to. Its also a very amusing game. You start off as a baby (just like the first game). You are in a dark place. You can go out now, or stay. Eventually youll come out. You were just born. You are little girl. You will stay a little girl until a few years go by. Then you will become a girl, then a teenager, then an woman, and eventually an old woman. Along the way you must choose how you want to live your life. This game is very interesting. This is a very fine game. You can play it over and over again, because, as long as you choose a variety of different options, your character will come out differently. The game has no real graphics, so the graphic are pretty bad. But the storyline is always changing, and is always VERY good. There is no real sounds either, so they are also bad (this IS an old game after all). This game can take you 1 to 2 games every new character, which is why the game can be played over and over again. I give it a 3.7 out of 5. This review was submitted by ??? ALTER EGO: MALE Download:- HERE Alter Ego: Male is a very unique game. Though there is barley any graphics,it is brillent. You are a male, and you must choose options that affect your life, such as should I get into that strange mans car and should I be good in class today. All of these affect the way your character turns out. He can get married, or stay single, he can have kids, or never think of having them. Its a very amusing game. You start off as a baby. You are in a dark place. You can go out now, or stay. Eventually youll come out. You were just born. You are little boy. You will stay a little boy until a few years go by. Then you will become a boy, then a teenager, then an adult, and eventually an old man. Along the way you must choose how you want to live your life. This game is very interesting. This is a very fine game. You can play it over and over again, because, as long as you choose a variety of different options, your character will come out differently. The game has no real graphics, so the graphic are pretty bad. But the storyline is always changing, and is always VERY good. There is no real sounds either, so they are also bad (this IS an old game after all). This game can take you 1 to 2 games every new character, which is why the game can be played over and over again. I give it a 3.7 out of 5. This review was submitted by ??? Sport: WORLD CHAMPIONSHIP BOXING MANAGER Download:- Here Home Of The Underdogs World championship boxing manager is a superbe game for it's time allowing you to rasie a boxer through the pro rankings of the W.C.I.B or the F.W.B gaining titles. On the way can you turn your boxers into Legend's like Ali or Tyson, or will your boxer's have trouble getting up before the ten count. Well with this game you can at least try. World Championship Boxing Manager allows you to give amature boxer's a pro contract and raise them through the rankings by training them in the gym then fighting other boxers. In the gym you can train your boxer's at Ring work, Punch Bag work,Weight training, Road work or Sparring. If you make the right choises in here then your quest of creating a champion will be a lot easier. Then during your boxers fights you can help them by giving them instructions on how to fight there opponents from the corner,which style do you like most a clean fight or a dirty fight with punches below the belt, shots to the kidney's and headbutt's it's your choice. And remember to take care to your boxer's wound's so that he stays in peak condition for his next fight 'cause if you don't keep your boxer fit he won't win any matches so he'll fall in the rankings and finially refuse to sign a new contract and when you don't have a boxer fighting for you then it's the end of the road for you, your boxing license is revoked and you have to restart. To make sure your boxer is at his peak condition you can alway's check out the physio who will give you a full report on your boxers health. What else can i montion about this game... well there is also two scout's working for you so you can have them check out potential opponents during there fight's so that you can have some info to help you beat these people on your way to the top. Overall this game is very addictive when i first got this little game i played it for months on end until my Hard Drive crashed and i lost my saved games,since the HD crash i've been reluctant to try this game incase i get hooked again.Although the graphics aren't anything special and there's little sound in the game i'd say that this game is a must have been great in it's time so download this game now Strategy: 7 CITIES OF GOLD Download:- HERE 
7 Cities of Gold is one of the most overlooked computer games of all times. That's because it was originally only made for the Commodore 64 and the Amiga computers while the and PC players where left in the dark and could not get their hands on this game to play it. The game has decent graphics for its time and it may take you a while to get used to the interface in the game (Somehow i keep on drawing my sword in front of the natives and having to run for my life). The game is set sometime in the 1400's, in the era of the conquest of the new world. You were sent by the Spanish crown to discover and conquer the New World (Now known as America). As you may have already guessed - you're playing the role of Christopher Columbus! At the start of the game you will have nearly nothing for your expadition so you have to gather a crew, buy some goods and set sail to America (and discover it). Whether you chose to play on the historical (Actual) or a random map(Randomly generated), you will encounter the native Americans. You can choose to conquer them or negotiate about the land and trade. It is smart to be nice and polite in the beginning of the game, although you might be strong enough afterwards to use force to...negotiate with the natives. The ultimate goal of this game is to find the infamous 7 Cities of Gold located around the map. Will you be successful on your mission of glory?.
Review coming soon
GOLDFIELDS Download:- Here Flashback Abandonware
In goldfields you play a man who has came to america to make his fortune during the goldrush.In this game you control nearly everything your character does from deciding what to buy at the local store to running for council.But the most important part in the game, how to make money!.There are many diffrent ways to make money you can do just about anyhting from panning for gold and working in local shops to owning shares in the gold mines and the stores (Hmm, work in the dark damp mines or own the mines and get another poor SOB to do the dangerous work. What would you do?).Overall this game is quite addictive, It should keep you occupied for a few hours. And remember try to keep your mining license up to date.
ROCKSTAR Downloads:- BUY IT HERE Rockstar is a very addicite text game. In which you have to make and sell your record's, sign record deals, keep yourself healthy by keeping off drugs and becoming a rockstar. And after you become a rockstar you can settle down and tell your grandchildren about the times you had as a rockstar, just joking after becoming a rockstar you can go on and become a superstar. Have you got what it takes to become a Rockstar. I suggest you try this game at least once to see if you can live the life of sex, drugs, rock'n'roll, speed, weed and birthcontrol. SPACE EMPIRES 2 Download:-
Here I found this game quite hard to get into but it's brillent once you get used to it. In this game you have to develop new technologies, Design and build spaceships to defend your homeworld and once your strong enough you can conquer the world.
TRANSPORT TYCOON Download:- Here This is a brillant business game where your goal is build up the ultimate transport company and put all of your rivals out of business by the year 2030.Although this might seem easy let me assure you it is not. You control every thing in this suberb game, you can build roads and rail tracks for your cars and trains,Airports and harbours for yours planes and boats not to mention the fact you tell them exactly what to do, You can even change your companies colour scheme. With all the diffrent options in this game you would think that the control of the game would be rubbish but in fact the interface is amazing.The game has just a single menu bar along the top of the screen with all the options contained in there sub menus.In my opinion the best thing about transport tycoon is the realisticness of the game for example is you supply a towns demands you will start to see it grow and as time progresses new vehicles are invented and if you are lucky you may be asked to test out these vehicles one year before your opponents can get there hands on them
TRANSPORT TYCOON DELUXE Downloads:- HERE (kturn account) Flashback Abandonware 
Transport Tycoon Deluxe is an improved version of the original game so the game is described in more detail HERE but for a recap i'll list some of the main things above
You control nearly everything to do with transport (E.G you build the networks and chose the methods of transport used)
You can build the most complex transport structures ever seen
You can put your rivals out of business
If you supply a town well you will help it to grow
As time goes on you can get your hands on newer and faster vechiles
You only have until 2030 to complete your goals
. Most of the improvements in transport tycoon deluxe are nearly unnoticiable but help project this game to a new level e.gthere is now a slightly better computer AI, there are new options that allow you to buy out rivial companies and some reports that give you more info on your companies success.Although most of the enhancements in the game are mainly "under the hood" there some clearly visiable for example you can now play the game in a total of 4 unique worlds and each world has its own theme. I found this game even more addictive than the original i spent nearly 2 days solid, playing this game it at one point trying to create the worlds most complex transport network.
ONLINE: RUNESCAPE: Go to The Site WARNING: If you play this game you may become addicted. This is the best online multiplayer game i have ever played. Runescape is a multiplayer RPG set in a massive world. The game has a medievil theme to it but has many fantasy creatures like goblins,deamons and witches. Runescape doesn't really have an ending, you can keep playing this game after you have completed all the quests you are given. The main things that make this game so good are the fact that it has a chatroom facility at the bottom of the game screen so you can interact with your m8tes,allows you to build up your character as a chief miner or even a smithy, it has 1000's of thing to do and it is regulary updated. I have been trying to pull myself away from this game for ages but i just can't so if you see me in it drop me a line at remind me to update. My name is De Ripper by the way |